So I finally got to the 100th post on here, that's something for me because I'm such a pants blogger. I am going to try much harder this year and I think I'm getting there because this past couple of weeks I've had a massive creative splurge. I've been scrapping, making cards, sewing and all kinds of creative-ness. I even found time to make a new blog header, mostly from bits I had on my desk, which I actually tidied! Yes I can see actual patches of desk now, lol.
So anyway all this creative-ness has made me think I should update my blog with not just card things but try and include other makes to share so that's my aim for this year for defo. I'm also working my way though my stash piles and I've decided to do an A-Z of manufacturers challenge so for A I picked out American Crafts and I've only allowed myself to use American Crafts goodies. You can play along if you want to or make your own A-Z challenge up to get your inspro going. It's come in really handy for me already because my calendar in January and early Feb is full of birthdays...
A for American Crafts
I used lots of their lush patterned papers, Guesthouse Foam shapes, Minimark rub-ons, ribbon, Flair and Thickers. Everything is American Crafts apart from a little bit of felt and that one paper blossom and button, hey it's my challenge, my rules :P

OK on to blog candy business, I did say that I would do a give-away when I got to my 100th post so here is what I came up with. I plundered the office draw that has a load of spare goodies in from past Crafty Templates kits, added a few extra bits and pieces and made up two kits to giveaway!
1. Boy cards
Boy cards are so difficult and it's cool to have a stash of goodies there as a starting point so here I've made a kit to make boy cards with. There's loads of papers, Bazzill card, 6 card blanks and cool kraft envelopes with some boyish matching embellies.........

2. Project fun-ness
Picture the scene, it's a rainy afternoon you have a bit of spare time and you fancy sitting down to a crafty session, you get all your crafty stuff out and then nothing happens because your you time is up already. So here I've made up a fun kit full of bright colours to go along with the Crafty Templates Pinwheel mini book project, {I'll send you a free download of the project sheet too or print one off if you need me to}. Everything you need to follow the project is in the kit apart from adhesive and photos so you can sit down with the kit, follow the project and end up with something cool at the end of it.

Nothing complicated to do just post bellow Boys are cool {if you want the boy kit} or 'Projects Rule' {if you want the project kit} and I'll pick two winners out at random. E Z P Z!
xx Leo