I haven't found time to post every day like I'd have liked to so I've got a load of cards to share today........

I'm loving these Sassafras papers this year and I've been using loads of glitter card with them too. I've got a pile of this really heavily glittered stuff that I've had for ages I think it came from one of the shopping channels, the one that used to have Alan and Barry on before they got rid of them. I used to love watching them larking about, so funny! It's really glittery anyway and really bright, just wishing I could get some more of it now I'm actually using it!

I've got some more cards done but I've not photographed them yet so I'll have to get them done asap.
I'm nearer my 100th post now, this one is 98 so when I get to 100 I'm defo going to have to do a fun little prize draw.....