Ok so onto card. This isn't one I've made recently I made it a couple months ago but it fits in with the challenge so perfectly I just felt I had to share. Plus I am seriously lacking time to blog now I need to update with something.

More coffee inspired goodies I've been making just lately are these cute 'ringaroses' embellies I'm a bit addicted to making these at the mo. I've just mixed fabric with felt, stamping, scrapbook paper and stitching. They're great to stick on gifts or cards or whatever. These ones along with some others are heading in my Folksy shop when I've got 5mins to sort that.
I'll try and update bloggy with some more stuff I've been making soon, I'm almost up to my 100th post too (this one is 97) so I'll defo have to think of something cool to celebrate that, maybe a bit of a give away? Speaking of which I'm still sponsoring the card challenge on UKscrappers, this months caboodle is posted up there (a super lush blingy card kit).
xx Leo