Used: Creative Imaginations holey cardstock, Love Elsie fabric, Pink Paislee Pop Fashion papers, Doodlebug sugared cardstock, Hambly kraft stickers, ribbons are all from Ribbon Oasis and random buttons from my stash.
If you've got time to make cards this week come and have a go at the card comp on UKScrappers, I sponsor the challenge every month and make up cool prizes so it's worth a go :-D Check it out here, http://www.ukscrappers.co.uk/boards/showthread.php?t=239390
I'm treating myself to a crafty play this afternoon (so hopefully I'll have more work to share!)because I've been working all weekend and I'm in need of chillaxing. I might stick the Pride and Prejudice DVD in too (BBC one), I got an email this morning to say it's now available in Blueray so it's made me want to watch it again. But it begs the question should I get it in Blueray hmmm... that damp Darcy scene in high definition, I think it defo needs adding to my Christmas list lol.
xx Leo